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文學串流 LitStream

主辦:香港藝術發展局 日期:9 - 27/3/2016(星期一至日) 時間:10am - 8pm 參展藝術家:葉曉文、何倩彤、黃志輝、劉學成 一個城市如何被敍述,即如何被記憶,而在記憶的過程當中,腦海裡層出不窮的想像和情感,使作家為快要消失的城市重塑豐富而多變的面貌。「文學串流」以「文中存在或不存在的香港記憶」為主題,打開一個又一個記憶匣子,並以文學文本為核心,散射出作家的記憶之物——繪畫、錄像、聲音——展開私密、共享甚或超乎現實的片段,勾勒一片存在或不存在的記憶風景。 查詢:2820 1047| Presenter: Hong Kong Arts Development Council Date: 9 - 27/3/2016 (Mon to Sun) Time: 10am - 8pm Participating Artists: Ip Hiu-man, Ho Sin-tung, Wong Chi-fai, Lau Hok-shing The portrait of a city is a recollection of memories. Sometimes, writers tap into their emotion and imagination inspired in the place. The exhibition focuses primarily on literary texts to illustrate writers’ intimate and at times, surreal with an object from their memories – drawing, video recording, sound recording, – and journey through remembered or imagined landscape. Enquiry: 2820 1047| 藝術家簡介 Artist Bio 何倩彤(Ho Sin-tung) 生於香港。畢業於香港中文大學藝術系。平面作品常以鉛筆、貼紙、印章等日常文具進行創作,取其親密、輕巧、繁瑣。作品常關注行將逝去、不可挽回的人事物和關係。近年展覽包括《伊卡洛斯聳聳肩》(香港漢雅軒,2015)、《首爾媒體城市雙年展:鬼魂.間諜.老祖母》(韓國首爾美術館,2014)。 Ho was born in Hong Kong and graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her two-dimensional work predominantly uses pencil, graphite and watercolour in combination with found and ready-made images – including the use of stickers, maps, charts, rubber-stamps and timelines. These are reinterpreted to narrate stories of places, relationships and periods of time often within a considered, objective historical setting. Recent exhibitions included “Icarus Shrugged” (2015) at Hanart TZ Gallery, SeMA Biennale Mediacity Seoul 2014: Ghosts, Spies and Grandmothers, Seoul Museum of Art etc. 葉曉文(Ip Hiu-man, Human) 畢業於嶺南大學中文系。曾獲青年文學獎小說公開組冠軍。從事植物相關工作,亦為畫家及寫作人,繪畫及文字作品散見於報章及雜誌。著有繪本《藉著此書說愛你》及短篇小說集《殺寇》,並為詩集《普羅旺斯的漢詩》及《香港詩選》等繪製插畫。愛好自然郊野,近年投身自然書寫,2014年及2016年出版圖文著作《尋花》及《尋花2-香港植物原生手札》。 Ip graduated from Department of Chinese, Lingnan University. Ip won the novel champion for Youth Literary Awards in open category. Apart from plant -related work , Ip is also a painter and writer, her painting and literary works have published in various newspapers and magazines. Published books included, picture book To Say a Word of Love and the short story collection Kill the Bandits, and illustrations for the poetry works Chinese Poems from Provence and Hong Kong Poetry. Ip loves the nature and enjoys nature writing in recent years. Related publications include In Search of Flowers and In Search of Flowers 2 in 2014 and 2016. 劉學成(Lau Hok-shing) 先後於2005年及2007年取得澳洲皇家墨爾本大學藝術學士及碩士學位,擅以立體雕塑呈現個人故事,作品富中國歷史及文學的詩意指涉。近年個展包括《向你好說你好》(安全口畫廊,2014)、《測不準定理》 (提藝廊「CHECKPOINT」,2013),2004及2005年兩度入選夏利豪基金會藝術比賽。現為獨立藝術家及香港浸會大學講師。 Lau has now been working as an independent artist and Lecturer at Hong Kong Baptist University. He received his Bachelor Degree of Arts (Fine Art) and Master Degree in Fine Art at RMIT University in 2005 and 2007 respectively. Lau's 3-dimensional pieces speak of his personal stories, employing Chinese History and Literature as referential languages. His recent show includes "Say Hello to Hello” (Gallery EXIT, 2014), “"Uncertainty Principle” (The A. Lift Gallery CHECKPOINT, 2013). In 2004 & 2005 he is the Finalist in Philippe Charriol Art Foundation Annual Open Competition. 黃志輝 (Wong Chi-fai) 香港中文大學藝術系畢業,主要從事多媒體創作,也涉獵漫畫,繪畫,裝置等媒介。近期參與活動有漫畫聯展《漫畫刁民》(PubArt Gallery ,2013),漫畫聯展《畫清界線》(香港外國記者俱樂部,2014),及《正空間16人展》(正空間,2015)。 Wong graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He works on media art, comics, video, installation and theatre design. Recent exhibitions include “Comic Daemons Exhibition” (pub Art Gallery, 2013), “COMIC Exhibition” (Foreign Correspondents' Club, 2014) and “16@Just Space” (Just Space, 2014).

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