Artist | Liu Cheng Mui
Hong Kong
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About Liu Cheng Mui
Born in Beijing and received formal arts training, Liu Cheng Mui was graduated in The Affiliated High School of Central Academy of Fine Arts. She then enrolled into The Central Academy of Fine Arts and obtained a scholarship to further her study in the former Russia after one year. In 1996, Cheung Mui graduated with a Master Degree in Arts in Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov and started teaching in The Central Academy of Fine Arts. Moved to Hong Kong in 1997. Her specialties are oil painting and block print. She combines the usage of realism technique and imaginative visual space in her drawings, that results in a fusion of substance and illusion. Cheng Mui now devotes her time in both arts making and education, especially in arts education to the disabled people. In the past she has participated in a lot of exhibitions and competitions with distinguished results.
生于北京,1988年毕业于中央美术学院附中。1988年考入中央美术学院,1989 年获文化部教育部奖学金留学前苏联,1996年毕业于俄国国立苏里柯夫美术学院,获艺术硕士学位。1996至1997年任教北京中央美术学院。1998年移居香港,现从事绘画创作、艺术教育并参与弱能人士的艺术活动。 她擅长版画及油画,她透过具象及写实的技巧融合抽象的视觉空间。独特的画风呈现在现实与虚幻之间。2010 年获首届中国残疾儿童艺术节优秀指导教师奖及2011年获观澜国际版画双年展国际版画奖。作品收藏 :香港艺术馆,香港文化博物馆,江苏省美术馆,关山月美术馆,哈尔滨艺术宫版画博物馆。

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