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In the Midst of Hustle & Bustle

Exhibition |

Artist : Spencer Luk

January 2011 | 

In the Midst of Hustle & Bustle | Spencer Luk


Opening Reception: 13th Jan 2011 | 6.30 - 8.30pm
Duration: 13th Jan to 24th Feb 2011
Venue: MobArt @ East, 29 Taikoo Shing Road, Island East, Hong Kong


Category: sculpture


MobArt proudly presents <In the Midst of Hustle & Bustle> - a solo exhibition by Spencer Luk, showcasing a series of sculptures that reflects our urban life.


In the hustle & bustle of Hong Kong, the pace of everyone in the city seems to echo the beat of a rock band. Rushing back and forth, never stopping for a second. In today’s world, especially in Hong Kong, it’s getting harder and harder to spend some quality time with friends and family, let alone noticing those strangers that pass by us every day as we commute to work, go out to grab our lunch or on our way home. Even when we walk into a stranger, we would hurriedly apologise, barely looking up at the person whom we just had an “intimate” collision with. Have you ever spent more than two seconds observing the crowd, and not checking your email as you walk from point to point? I bet not.

Spencer lives in the same city as us, but he takes a completely different approach to treating our “intimate” strangers. He likes spending time observing the crowd, looking at each of their expression, their clothing, their action. Spencer is intrigued by how people interact and the different types of people that co-exist in our society – the white collars, the yummy-mummy, the running wild kid, the straight-face dad. He recorded all his “observations” through the creation of a series of sculptures, making detailed record of clothing, expression and action. These individual sculptures, when put together, is like seeing a miniature Hong Kong, but from a different perspective; this time round, you are observing and paying attention to the “crowd”.


Through this exhibition, MobArt hopes that even in as hectic a city as Hong Kong, you will be able to find your breathing space and pause for a few seconds to look around you and take notice of the other 7 million people that share the same city as you.

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